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CBD Oil for Diabetes

Exploring the facts

Diabetes is a disease wherein the body has trouble regulating the level of sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream. In healthy individuals, the pancreas produces a hormone called insulin, which works to transport glucose molecules across cell membranes and into cells for energy production.

In diabetics, depending on whether they suffer from the Type 1 or Type 2 form of the disease, the body is either unable to produce insulin, or it’s unable to use it in a way that’s sufficient enough to maintain glucose at a healthy level in the bloodstream. Irregular or unstable glucose levels can cause a huge array of serious, life-threatening conditions, which we talk about in detail in this article.

In regard to CBD oil for diabetes, there are two main things to consider in order to determine the degree of viability that the drug may have on the increasingly-prevalent disease:



In what ways (if any), does CBD work to improve either the function and/or production of insulin?

In what ways might CBD work to alleviate the spectrum of side effects caused by irregular blood sugar levels?

Here, in the hopes of shedding some light on why CBD oil for diabetes has gained such popularity among patients and physicians alike, we talk about recent research publications that have directly addressed both of these questions.

Before Discussing CBD for Diabetes, What Even is the Disease?

To elaborate on the rudimentary processes explained in the introduction, diabetes is a disease wherein the body is unable to properly transfer the glucose from food into energy sources for cells.

And of course, without energy sources, the body’s cells (which are responsible for every functional mechanism of life) will be unable to carry out the requisite pathways needed to survive.

“Without blood glucose regulation, cells are unable to carry out requisite pathways needed for survival. Can CBD help to reverse the adverse physiological effects of diabetes?”

In the case of Type 1 diabetics (who only make up about 5% of the diabetic population), the body is no longer able to produce insulin, which is the key hormone needed to transfer glucose molecules from the bloodstream into cells. This is generally due to an autoimmune attack on the pancreas – the organ responsible for the production of insulin. Type 1 diabetes usually arises in children or young adults who contract a pancreas-attacking virus, and other than perhaps a genetic predisposition, there are not many specific risk factors.

Type 2 diabetes is a more complex form of the disease wherein the body still produces insulin, but it either doesn’t produce enough of it, or the cells become resistant to its physiological pathways. Either way, the resulting effect is similar to that of Type 1 diabetes, wherein the underlying issue is a general inability to control blood glucose.

Also, Type 2 diabetes is a far more prevalent form of the disease; it is estimated to affect over 400 million people worldwide, or between 90 and 95% of the total diabetic population.

Additionally, far more risk factors are associated with Type 2 diabetes than there are with Type 1. Several of the most prominent of these factors include:


Weight (obesity increases risk greatly)

High sugar diets (combined with inactivity)

Family history and genetics

Ethnicity (African-Americans, Hispanics, and American Indians are especially susceptible, though the reason is unknown)

 Age (people over 45 are far more likely to develop diabetes)

Conventional Treatment Methods for Diabetes (CBD Not Included)

In both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, an inability for glucose to be absorbed into the body’s cells results in it building up to dangerously high levels in the bloodstream. This results in the severe, potentially life-threatening symptoms that are most often associated with the disease. Some of these symptoms include:

Heart and blood vessel disease

Nerve damage


Kidney disease

Vision problems

In short, there aren’t many areas of the body that go unaffected by the physiological detriments of diabetes, and unless the disease is monitored closely on a daily basis, the average diabetic will have a lifespan between 10 and 15 years shorter than the average person’s.

Fortunately, conventional medications have gotten to the point where diabetics – if they keep track of their glucose levels rigorously and maintain an appropriate diet – can lead a rather normal lifestyle.

Since they can’t produce it on their own, most Type 1 diabetics are prescribed insulin either in the form of shots that they have to self-administer, or in the form of a pump which automatically monitors blood glucose and injects the hormone as needed.

While these forms of treatment are state of the art, they’re by no means 100% effective; even the most responsible of diabetics can find it difficult to avoid the dangerous consequences of irregular glucose levels.

“Even state-of-the-art diabetes treatments are not 100% effective in maintaining healthy blood glucose. How might CBD compare to conventional treatment options?”

Not to mention, without top of the line health insurance, treatments like insulin pumps are far too expensive for the average individual to consider. Most, in fact, are resorted to pricking blood from their finger to monitor sugar levels, and self-administering insulin shots through hypodermic needles.

In the case of Type 2 diabetes, individuals who are able to get by without having to take insulin shots will most likely be prescribed a pharmaceutical drug like Metformin or Avandia, which aid in the ability to properly regulate glucose.

However, as is far too common with these kinds of prescription meds, a range of severe side effects is often produced, as is a monthly medical bill that can be as cumbersome as the side effects themselves.

This is why many diabetics in recent years have been more than willing to try alternative treatment options like CBD oil. Even if CBD can replace just one of their prescription medications – or even reduce the requisite doses – it’s generally more than worth it.

Not to mention, the general improvement in quality of life for some diabetics that have added CBD to their treatment regimen has been, to put it quite simply, pretty miraculous.

CBD Oil for Diabetes: What the Research has Shown

CBD Oil for Diabetes

As we mentioned earlier, in the world of medicine, anecdotal evidence can only go so far. Regardless of the fact that many diabetics use CBD oil every day of their lives to help manage their condition, most physicians are wary to recommend it as a treatment because they can’t point to the exact physiological reasons as to why it’s beneficial.

Fortunately, along with its potential to help with cancer-related symptoms and nervous disorders, CBD for diabetes has been a pretty well-researched area of medical cannabis.

Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, a research scientist from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, points to the fact that naturally-occurring CBD receptors occur throughout the human body – from the brain and nervous tissues to organs, endocrine glands, and immune cells.

And one of the organs where he’s found the receptors to be highly prevalent? The pancreas.

“Naturally-occurring CBD receptors occur throughout the human body: in the brain, nervous system, and crucially for sufferers of diabetes – in the islet cells of the pancreas.”

In fact, endocannabinoid receptors (namely CB-1 receptors) have been found specifically in the organ’s islet cells – the exact location where insulin is produced. What’s more, it’s been suggested that the stimulus of these receptors in the islet cells may have links to insulin production.

Now, regardless of how intriguing the research is, we are by no means sitting here and saying that endocannabinoid receptors are directly responsible for the production of insulin, or that CBD is a cure for diabetes in any way shape or form. While it’s possible that the receptors may play a crucial role in the production of insulin, much more research needs to be done in order to pinpoint the physiological mechanisms and exact chemical pathways that are responsible for doing so.

We will say, though, that preliminary studies on CBD for diabetes have been so promising that it’s led to the American Journal of Medicine’s Dr. Joseph Alpert to call on the DEA and the National Institute of Health (NIH) for increased funding and collaboration on continued research.

Moreover, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has gone so far as to suggest that endocannabinoids may be “the most important physiologic system involved in establishing and maintaining human health,” based on their central role in regulating homeostasis, which is the body’s ability to maintain normative operating conditions in spite of harmful stimuli.

Can CBD Help Treat Underlying Symptoms of Diabetes?

What’s been even more concrete than research on CBD’s potential role in insulin production, though, has been research on the compound’s ability to help treat and prevent common medical conditions associated with diabetes.

One of the most prominent factors associated with the development of insulin resistance in Type 2 diabetes is chronic inflammation related to obesity. The excessive presence of fatty tissue in obese Type 2 diabetics drastically limits the efficiency of glucose metabolism, which in turn results in high levels of sugar building up in the bloodstream. The specific anti-inflammatory properties of CBD, however, have long been known to directly combat glucose metabolic disorders and improve overall metabolism.

“It is possible that the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD may be able to provide side-effect free therapy for both Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes patients.”

Nerve damage is another condition commonly associated with diabetes. In many instances, diabetics will have limited sensation in their lower extremities, and in severe cases, amputations of the leg(s) are often necessary. This is due to a lack of sufficient blood flow, which eventually results in the breakdown of tissue and the increased risk for infection. CBD, in turn, is a federally patented neuroprotectant and has been shown to reduce infarcts (areas of dead tissue due to lack of blood flow) by up to 30%.

Likewise, there have been dozens of other publications that have shown great promise in the role of CBD as a treatment for diabetes, including studies on retinopathy (a disorder of the eyes) and diabetic cardiovascular dysfunction.

In short, the medical potential and therapeutic benefits of CBD oil for diabetes is nothing short of phenomenal; many diabetics use it every day to treat the disease and improve their overall quality of life, and thousands more will continue to do so in the future in light of increased research and improved information.

Lastly, on a side note, it’s important to point out that CBD oil will not get you high – unlike whole plant marijuana, it contains hardly any THC, which is the cannabinoid responsible for the psychoactive properties of the drug.

CBD Oil, Diabetes, and Harvard Health

In January 2018, Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Peter Grinspoon referenced a Healthline article that reviewed the potential for cannabis to decrease insulin resistance and improve blood sugar.

“Harvard Health researchers have discovered that marijuana use may be able to decrease insulin resistance, and improve overall blood sugar levels.”

In the article, which was the first of its kind to “investigate the relationship between marijuana, glucose, and insulin resistance,” it was pointed out that cannabis use can directly help regulate blood sugar levels, waist size, and body mass index — three factors that are crucial to both the prevention and control of Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes.

The study, which reviewed data from 4,657 patients over a 5-year period, determined a “significant link between the regular use of marijuana and better blood sugar control,” and also noted that consistent cannabis users displayed:

A 16% reduction in fasting insulin levels

A 17% decrease in insulin resistance levels

Increased levels of HDL-C

Smaller overall waist circumference (an implication of reduced instances of obesity)

Final Thoughts on CBD, Diabetes, and Future Treatment Options

CBD oils can range in terms of their overall concentrations of the active cannabinoid; in other words, not all tinctures are the same, and different dosages will likely be required depending on the specific oil that you end up using (although the proper dosage should always be labeled on the bottle).

“Researchers concluded that a ‘significant link’ exists between the regular use of cannabis and better blood sugar levels.”

Likewise, CBD oil is no guaranteed solution for all diabetics; while some patients have found it highly therapeutic, it will ultimately be more effective for some individuals than it is for others. As is always the case, it’s important to do your own research, and if possible, speak with a professional about some possible tinctures that may be appropriate for you and your specific condition.

If you have questions or need more information, please shoot us an email or a phone call. In addition, please stop by our CBD Shop at 4607 Highway 146, Suite A in Baytown, Texas.

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CBD Can Help You Quit Smoking, According to Studies

Discover why more smokers are turning to CBD for help.

If there’s one piece of advice that most cigarette smokers will give non-smokers, it’s “Don’t start smoking.”

As any smoker will tell you, quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do and can feel nearly impossible at times.

The numbers bear this out. According to a study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about half of all smokers will try to quit in any given year. Only 6% will succeed in their attempt.

Most smokers who are able to quit, require multiple attempts throughout their lifetime before quitting permanently.

Even with these odds, cigarette smokers and other tobacco users shouldn’t give up hope.

Quitting smoking has countless long-term health benefits that pay off within hours and in the years to come. Giving up tobacco can extend your life expectancy by up to a decade.

There are a number of treatments for quitting tobacco products, from nicotine replacement therapies (patches, gum, and lozenges) that allow you to wean yourself off gradually to prescription drugs like Chantix.

While these treatments are better for your health than smoking, they still come with drawbacks. Prescription drugs can be expensive and have negative side effects. Nicotine replacement therapies only swap one craving for another and can end up being hard to quit.

However, there’s good news for those hoping to quit nicotine for their New Year’s Resolution.

A growing field of research as well as anecdotal accounts are beginning to show that CBD may also be an effective treatment for nicotine addiction.

Why Are Cigarettes So Hard To Quit?

Tobacco kills more than 7 million people per year, according to the WHO.

Nicotine, like other addictive drugs, forms a physical dependence by reprogramming the synaptic receptors in the brain. The nicotine molecule causes a surge of dopamine in the reward centers of the brain, leading to a sense of euphoria.

However, over time the molecule changes the dopamine and other neurochemical receptors to only accept nicotine, meaning consuming the drug is the only way to release dopamine.

When a tobacco user tries to quit, the brain can no longer make the same amount of dopamine. This leads to withdrawal symptoms, the list of which is long and includes: anxiety, depression, weight gain, headaches, problems concentrating, drowsiness or trouble sleeping, and feeling tense, restless, or irritable.

Symptoms of withdrawal can begin as little as 2 hours from a smoker’s last cigarette and can last anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of months. The severity and duration of withdrawal depend on a number of factors that include how long someone used nicotine as well as their genetics.

And it looks like CBD may have a positive impact on that withdrawal process…

CBD Reduces Cigarette Consumption, According to Study

In 2013, researchers from University College London published results from a randomized double placebo controlled study with 24 people who wanted to quit smoking. Each person received an inhaler with instructions to use it every time they felt an urge to smoke.

After one week participants who received a placebo inhaler reported no change in the amount of cigarettes smoked, while participants with the CBD inhaler reported a combined 40% reduction in cigarettes.

The research concluded:

These preliminary data, combined with the strong preclinical rationale for use of this compound, suggest CBD to be a potential treatment for nicotine addiction that warrants further exploration.

And it’s not just cigarettes. Scientists are finding that CBD could have widespread application for many substance addictions including cocaine and opioids.

Of course, tobacco is the big one here.

In 2015 researchers out of the University of Montreal published a review of all the current data on CBD as an intervention for addictive behavior, concluding:

The dreadful burden of substance-use disorder worldwide, combined with the clear need for new medication in the addiction field, justifies the requirement of further studies to evaluate the potential of CBD as a new intervention for addictive behaviors.

CBD and Withdrawal Symptoms

CBD’s role as an addiction treatment makes even more sense when you consider some of its other medical benefits.

One of those benefits is stress relief. Consuming CBD can help people who are trying to quit smoking by reducing the severity of the stress, tension, anxiety, and irritability associated with withdrawal that would normally have them buying another pack to relieve.

Additionally, the inflammation-relieving properties of CBD can also help reduce the associated headaches and body pain that nicotine withdrawal can cause in smokers. Without aching through the day, it’s much easier to concentrate and there’s less reason to reach for a smoke.

Finally, CBD can also help with the sleep disturbances caused by nicotine withdrawal. Studies have shown that increased doses of CBD can improve deep sleep cycles while smaller dosages improve wakefulness and alertness.

CBD Restores Brain Chemistry

It turns out CBD may also help prevent relapse.Furthermore, researchers are beginning to find evidence that CBD may even prevent relapse by repairing the brain’s chemistry.

As stated above, addiction to nicotine and other substances permanently alters the brain’s synapses, preventing them from releasing neurotransmitters like dopamine unless those chemicals are present. Preliminary studies have shown that CBD can return these receptors to their pre-addiction state.

In another study from the Scripps Research Institute on cocaine and alcohol-addicted rats, those administered CBD gel were not only less likely to relapse, but also less prone to display stress-induced or drug-seeking behavior. This was observed for up to five months after all traces of CBD were no longer in their systems.

It’s Never Too Late To Quit Smoking and CBD May Help

The health benefits of quitting smoking, and really all tobacco products, cannot be overstated no matter how many times you’ve tried.

While quitting smoking remains one of the hardest things to do, CBD may provide that edge that you need to finally give up your nicotine habit.

With the number of available CBD products growing every day, from oils to edibles to vapes, there’s no time like the present to make quitting your New Year’s Resolution, or whatever time of year it is when you decide to stop.

Please feel free to contact us for more information about Fantastic, High Quality CBD products available online or in store.   

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Not All CBD is Created Equal

All CBD is not created equal, so it’s extremely important to be an educated consumer. The demand for cannabidiol (CBD) oil products is quickly growing as more people become familiar with the natural health effects and uses of CBD. While you explore the available CBD hemp oil products, keep in mind that not all CBD oils are the same. As the market expands and more products hit the market, it’s more important than ever that you find a trusted source for high-quality CBD oil. As hemp-based CBD products are now legal in many countries, there are many retailers who boast high-end tinctures and infusions, but quality does vary.

With CBD hemp oil being classified as a natural product and dietary supplement, rigorous testing practices are not required by regulators. The methods used to manufacture CBD oil directly affect the safety and quality of products you might buy. That’s why it’s important that you do research to get your CBD products from manufacturers that you can trust.

There are numerous global sources of hemp and each variety has its own set of characteristics, including its CBD content. High-quality CBD oil products are derived from hemp that is naturally abundant in CBD and cultivated using strict safety standards.

CBD Extraction

CBD can be extracted from both the hemp and cannabis plants, although hemp-based products are the only available products being sold outside of a Licensed Producer (LP).

CBD extraction is an expensive and complicated process, with the three main avenues for extraction being CO2, ethanol extraction, and nanotechnology.

CO2 Extraction

CO2 extraction looks like a crazy science experiment. Hemp plants are exposed to different temperatures and pressures to isolate CBD and other cannabinoids such as terpenes and flavonoids. The set-up for this type of extraction is budget-busting, as it requires expensive equipment and a large space for set-up.

The results of CO2 extraction produce isolated cannabinoids, such as CBD, with 90% efficacy. This is not a good method for full-spectrum or large-volume production.

Ethanol Extraction

Ethanol extraction involves submerging the hemp plant in high grade ethanol, which extracts a full-spectrum of cannabinoids, including terpenes and flavonoids. Ethanol extraction is less expensive and is widely used for large scale production of full-spectrum CBD products.

CBD Nanotechnology

A few CBD companies are using a proprietary extraction method utilizing nanotechnology. This process involves a unique extraction process that reduces CBD into small nano-sized droplets.

CBD produced via nanotechnology is highly bioavailable, with the body absorbing up to 90 percent of the CBD, compared to only 10-15 percent for CBD products manufactured without using nanotechnology.

Lab Testing

It is important that the hemp and CBD Oil undergo rigorous 3rd party lab testing in order to identify the presence of bacteria and any other unwanted elements. It is important to verify that independent lab testing is conducted to inspect oil to make sure it has the ideal concentration of cannabinoids, including CBD.

Ideally, labs should be inspecting for any presence of the following unwanted elements:

•             Mold

•             Mildew

•             Fungus

•             Yeast

•             E.coli

•             Salmonella

•             Mycotoxins

•             Heavy metals

•             Residual solvents

Packaged for Clarity and Preservation

CBD hemp oil products should be packaged to optimally preserve the cannabinoids and other natural constituents of the CBD hemp oil. This helps slow CBD oil’s expiration, and protects it from degradation caused by exposure to air, light, and heat.

Along with an accurate, complete listing of ingredients, product labels should provide information on standard serving sizes and storage recommendations so your CBD oil doesn’t expire or spoil too quickly.

The Entourage Effect

The Entourage Effect is defined as multiple cannabinoids working together to create an enhanced effect. Therefore, full-spectrum CBD products that include terpenes and flavonoids are expected to work better from an overall health perspective. Including a full spectrum of cannabinoids ensures that the CBD product is better absorbed and acts on all receptors in the endocannabinoid system. However, isolated CBD products may be better suited to managing specific symptoms related to a disease process, such as ticks found in Tourette’s.

Use of CBD Products

The saying “to each their own” is very appropriate in this instance. There are a wide range of CBD products on the market including tinctures, oils, topicals, gummies, water and other infused edibles.

An individual needs to search for the product that is best suited to them. CBD MED provides a wide array of products and incorporates nanotechnology to aid in absorption.

CBD Med offers capsules that are a great choice for consumers who are on the go. They provide easy, consistent dosing and can be added into an already established vitamin regimen.

CBD oil offers the ability to tailor the dosage to the user’s needs. If CBD is being used to manage pain, oil is a great solution, as the dosage can be adjusted according to pain level throughout the day.

CBD topicals offer the ability to externally assist the body with pain, skin irritations, and other ailments. This is a great solution to target certain areas of the body.

CBD water is a great health and wellness product as it keeps the consumer hydrated while providing beneficial amounts of CBD to maintain overall health. The use of nanotechnology improves the bioavailability and absorption of CBD and will help a consumer achieve maximum benefit.


Recognizing the importance of finding a high-quality CBD hemp oil product that meets your lifestyle, wellness needs, and financial considerations, CBD MED offers a wide variety of products that range in price and potency.

We offer an array of products to choose from, including pure CBD oils, CBD capsules, CBD tinctures or liquids, and CBD topicals.

Whether you’re looking for the greatest CBD concentration or value taste and convenience, you’ll be able to find a CBD oil product that works best for you

If you still have any questions feel free to stop by CBD Med in Baytown, TX or send us an email at At CBD MED, our goal is to provide the Highest Quality CBD Products in Texas and Beyond.

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CBD Explained

What is CBD? How does interact with your body?

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a trending ingredient the natural products industry and is the focus of a new area of cannabis research. CBD is one of many cannabinoids, or molecules produced uniquely by the cannabis family. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the primary psychoactive element in marijuana), CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it doesn’t have a strong effect on cognitive brain activity and doesn’t cause the “high” associated with marijuana.

Every variety of the cannabis family produces cannabinoids, including hemp. While CBD and THC are the most well-known cannabinoids, there are many different types. Our brains have specific receptors designed to accept cannabinoids, known as CB1 and CB2. These receptors are responsible for the assimilation of cannabinoid molecules into your system, resulting in the psychoactive and immune responses correlated with cannabis consumption.

In the last few years, there have been many advances in cannabis processing and consumption methods. Concentrated products such as oil and rosin (a sap-like product extracted via heat and pressure) have allowed for cleaner ingestion methods, such as vaporization, to become more widespread. These new technologies have brought more consistent, identifiable dosages to patients and enthusiasts alike, while potentially enabling safer methods of consumption. 


Quality of Products

When it comes to the quality of any CBD product, you have to be very careful. CBD companies must be researched to understand where the company is acquiring the hemp used for manufacturing, what type of extraction process is being used, and potency of the product.

Hemp: Just like with vegetables, identifying where a company gets the hemp used for producing CBD is important. Make sure the company has performed testing for pesticides. Ideally, organic is the way to go. 

Extraction: CO2 as an extraction method is ideal for botanical extracts. Although it is laborious and expensive, it is regarded as the best way to extract hemp oil due to its gentle action and high yield. 

Potency: The purity of the CBD and what is paired with matters. Ask for testing for purity of the CBD and if the product has THC. In addition, how is the product manufactured. Some process helps with absorption of the CBD into the body. 

When extracted correctly and verified for correct potency, CBD can provide the desired effect.